Platinum Audio

News Club

A Virtual Apprenticeship In NLP

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  • Receive an Intensive Training Module each month

  • Download your intensive 75 to 130 minute NLP learning module in MP3 format

  • 15 to 30 page accompanying PDF with each issue

  • Receive a word-for-word PDF transcript workbook

  • Access to over 60 plus training videos and hours and hours of audio content

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    What Our Customers Say About
    Platinum Audio News Club:

    I have trained with many of the big names in NLP, and I find Michael's trainings the best thought out, the easiest to follow, and, for me, the trainings that brought about the greatest increase in skills.

    Michael doesn't just teach techniques, he teaches the structure, and that has allowed me to move beyond just techniques." 

    Al Konigsfeld

    United States

    "The Platinum Audio News Club has really put me in the driving seat of my life. This will de-mystify NLP
    once and for all.


    Once you've decided which way your going it's like the best road trip you've ever had, with an array of an insights and experiences along the way...Make sure you buckle up -

    Michael is one hell of a co-driver!"

    Matt Lomax

    United Kingdom

    "I have gained a much deeper understanding of HOW to do NLP instead of concepts stacked on top of each other from everything.... Everything is put into context and put back into behavioral terms of the purpose of doing them instead of the old technique-jargon.

    I have gotten a lot better results thanks to the work of Michael Breen and so have my participants on the trainings I do. Thank you!"

    Patrick Fordell


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