Training Mastery

Discover The Best Kept Secrets Of Training Design And Move To The Fast Track In Becoming A World Class Trainer...

    Here's What You'll Receive:

    • 32 live workshop recording audio tracks from the 3 day workshop, organised in to 8 “CDs” for immediate download and playback.

    • 430 page word-for-word training transcript (PDF)  , so you can capture every strategy, insight and master tip shared…

    • 62 page Training Manual, jam-packed with additional training mastery resources

    • 42 page post training follow up notes, where Michael provides detailed answers to common training design questions

    • Our ironclad 100% 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

    • Instant access of the entire training

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    What Our Customers Say About Our Programs:

    I have trained with many of the big names in NLP, and I find Michael's trainings the best thought out, the easiest to follow, and, for me, the trainings that brought about the greatest increase in skills.

    Michael doesn't just teach techniques, he teaches the structure, and that has allowed me to move beyond just techniques." 

    Al Konigsfeld

    United States

    "I found the course refocused my own attention to my preparation for teaching.


    Some of the content had been lost in my head but Training Mastery gave me a swift kick in the pants (my Ah HA moment,) to remind me of where my focus should be from beginning to end.


    It also shook my own limiting beliefs about my ability to teach and did my confidence no end of good.


    Many Thanks again Michael."

    Bernie Deasey

    United Kingdom

    "Training Mastery Design is the definition of "drinking water from the firehose" for anyone interested in learning more about how to structure, plan and deliver any kind of training or presentation. Up to now I've been preparing my trainings with "covering the material" in mind. From now on I'm focusing on designing "learning experiences" for my participants based on what I want them to do different or how I want them to be different (both consciously and unconsciously) after the training. And that was a huge shift of perspective for me."

    Konstantinos Bimplis


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